We understand your wedding dress is a garment whose beauty served to magnify your own. Therefore, our family will treat it as well as it treated you. Additionally, we will ensure to preserve your dress with a special cleaning and storage technique to preserve it for many years to come.
At Trailside Dry Cleaning, we specialize in wedding dress cleaning, a highly unique and tedious task. Every wedding dress is handled by one of the family to ensure your dress has the most experienced and caring hands to take the proper care your dress needs.
” The staff at Babbel’s Cleaners is always so nice no matter how “needy” you’re being, and they give you a clear evaluation for special jobs, not just a quote. They definitely know what they are talking about and only let trained experts touch your fine linens or draperies. I have also never felt any pressure to say yes to a quote, even if they provided free pick up and delivery of something. If i’m not ready, they are professional about it then and sound just as happy to hear from me the next time I call. ” – Jessica Anders
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